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About Us





  1. アメリカ インディアナ州 カーメル市との姉妹都市交流

  2. 外国人住民との活動(防災、生活支援など)

  3. 日本語サロン(外国人向け日本語支援活動)

  4. 語学クラブ(日本人向け外国語クラス)

  5. ホームステイ

  6. 会報誌KIFAリポートの発行

  7. インターネットによる情報発信

  8. 他の交流事業の支援

  9. その他(国際交流関係情報の提供など)

■家族会員  3,000円
■団体会員 10,000円


■家族会員  3,000円
■団体会員 10,000円

​What is KIFA?

KIFA or Kawachinagano International Friendship Association is an affiliated organization of Kawachinagano City and was created through a partnership between the municipal government, citizens, and local organizations, and was given the role of promoting international exchange activities in Kawachinagano city.

Its purpose is to foster international awareness amongst Kawachinagano citizens to fulfill the multi-cultural society. Through international exchanges rooted in the region, it aims at deepening mutual understanding with people from abroad or have roots overseas and contributing to international goodwill, global cooperation and community renovation to fulfill safe community for everyone.

Current Activities Held By KIFA

  1. Sister City exchange with Carmel, Indiana U.S.A.

  2. Activities for/with foreigner residents (disaster prevention, livelihood support, etc.)

  3. Japanese Salon (Japanese Foreign Language Class)

  4. Language Club (foreign language classes for Japanese)

  5. International Understanding Seminar and Lecture

  6. Hosting home-stay visits

  7. Publication of "KIFA Report" (organization’s news letter)

  8. Sending out organizational information through the internet.

  9. Support and aid to other exchange events

  10. Other (Offering information on related international exchange events)

■家族会員  3,000円
■団体会員 10,000円


Tel: 0721-54-0002
Fax: 0721-54-0004


〒586-0025 河内長野市昭栄町7−1 市民交流センター(KICCS)3階
Tel: 0721-54-0002 Fax: 0721-54-0004 Mail:

Copyright (C) 2021 河内長野市国際交流協会 All Rights Reserved.

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